A classic handcrafted bouquet made by a local florist using the freshest blooms and not a single lily. Expect blooms in rich vibrant colours like cerise, fiery orange and sunshine yellow, expertly arranged and shown off in our iconic packaging.
- Their bouquet will be handcrafted by their local florist, who will make sure it arrives looking incredible.
- It might not look exactly like the pictures because each bouquet is bespoke, made by hand.
- It's guaranteed to look gorgeous for at least 7 days, or we'll put it right.
- It could feature buds, but they'll open up quickly.
- It won't feature a single lily.
- The packaging is all recyclable or biodegradable.
- It comes with a lovely card, the florist will add your message inside (usually by hand).
All prices in EUR (€)
Standard - €55.00
Large - €65.00